In addition to the annual flying stars, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual star that is already located in the same area.
First, identify the areas where your front door, your bedroom, your kitchen and your living room are located and follow the monthly recommendations to set up some elemental cures to either reduce the impact of the negative stars and/or activate the auspicious energies of these areas.
Each diagram is used in the same way: in each of the 9 squares, you will find 2 numbers. The number in the upper left corner indicates the monthly star while the number in the centre indicates the annual star. Use a reliable compass to determine the direction, and then refer to the corresponding square to see the monthly forecasts for each sector. Focus especially on the protection or activation of the areas in which your front door and your bedroom are located!

The Southeast is the most unfavorable sector this month. If your front door or bedroom is here, your health will be badly affected and financial problems are to be expected, you must place metal objects here to exhaust bad energies. Even better, if you can totally avoid this area, do so.
If your door is in this sector, expect frequent travel. Unlike the sellers, or smooth talkers and crooks who will do quite well this month, others should pay special attention to their finances and be extra careful when handling sharp objects. You might also be tempted by infidelity! Place yin Water here to calm it all down.
Here is a mixed area, there are indications of promotion at work, the finances are not bad and your work is recognized. However, with the Quarrelsome Star you will have to face backbiting and arguments. Be extremely careful things could go so bad that you might need to hire a lawyer! Couples eager for children should spend time in this area, this month, pregnant women will also enjoy the Southwest sector.
Don’t you know where to learn, revise, write, create this month? Look no further : the East area is the place to do so, the extremely favourable star combination brings you the needed help for these achievements which will be crowned with recognition and success. There are also good indications for a promotion. And, Ladies: love is in your mind with pleasant surprises to come. Other than spending time here, you don’t have to do anything special, the area on its own stimulates this star combination.
While your efforts at work may pay off, the Quarrelsome star 3 is making life difficult for children and teenagers this month and serious headaches for those who live in this sector. Also be especially careful with any sharp objects and when driving.
The area of annual prosperity is visited by the bad luck Star. While this combination can provide some bonuses in terms of recognition and money, its effects are too fluctuating to be exploited especially since health can take a serious hit! As usual with the unfavorable Earth 5 Star, use Metal to weaken its effects. And avoid letting young children sleep in this area.
Successes and accomplishments are forthcoming, but not really for the man of the house who will encounter some difficulties. If you are a business owner, expect to have some issues with your employees that will challenge your authority and ability to lead. Relations in your family are not particularly good and health is poor. Intergenerational conflicts are surfacing. Keep any sharp, pointed or triangular object away from this area, candles and lamps are also to be avoided.
After last month’s health and work issues, the North is occupied with a favorable combination of stars that brings recognition and success as well as great financial deals related to real estate transactions. Your efforts in those matters will lead to a significant drop in your libido at home. And yes, it is difficult to carry out several things at the same time, you have to make yourself a reason.
If your gateway is located in this area, you can expect to travel this month, romantic relationships are auspicious, and your charisma is increasing. So this is a good sector for singles who see their luck in relationships increase. Only shadows on the board, small respiratory problems and possible judicial proceedings.
三煞 Monthly Three Killings in the East.
© Texts from L’Agenda & Almanach Feng Shui 2021.
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