In addition to the annual flying stars, there are also monthly flying stars that occupy different areas of your home or workplace for a month. Each area will be occupied by one of the 9 different stars for a complete month. This star will combine during this period with the annual star that is already located in the same area.
First, identify the areas where your front door, your bedroom, your kitchen and your living room are located and follow the monthly recommendations to set up some elemental cures to either reduce the impact of the negative stars and/or activate the auspicious energies of these areas.
Each diagram is used in the same way: in each of the 9 squares, you will find 2 numbers. The number in the upper left corner indicates the monthly star while the number in the centre indicates the annual star. Use a reliable compass to determine the direction, and then refer to the corresponding square to see the monthly forecasts for each sector. Focus especially on the protection or activation of the areas in which your front door and your bedroom are located!

The Southeast area is not a good sector all year round anyway, but in addition this month, with the arrival of the quarrelsome star 3, the situation is only getting worse, bankruptcy, financial losses, legal proceedings, financial fraud,… could really give you a hard time. The oldest in the family should definitely not stay in this area if he/she wants to avoid health problems. Make sure that the Metal put in place at the beginning of the year is still present in that room! If you can, avoid it as much as possible.
If you’re not in a business partnership, then you can take advantage of the South sector this month to get more recognition, money, and career advancement. If you are in a partnership, difficulties could arise. Young children, in general, and the youngest in the family should not spend time in this area to avoid health problems.
Although the Heavenly Gift Star indicates good opportunities, you will need to watch your behaviour this month, especially if your room is located in the Southwest sector as you may be more aggressive and quarrelsome than usual or react unreasonably. Money losses are also possible, be careful who you place your trust in. Pay attention to your liver as well.
Ladies, watch out for one night stands that could go wrong if you spend too much time in this area. Married women will have a hard time putting up with their mother-in-law this month. Older women should avoid the East sector during this month. If you have writing assignments, or exams to prepare, you might consider locating your desk there. Health problems (mainly rheumatism) brought on by the monthly Illness Star can be taken care of with Metal.
Couples should avoid this sector at the risk of finding themselves confronted with relationship difficulties, or even separation. This combination is also synonymous with broken heart and loneliness. Women should be especially careful when it comes to health. Don’t get caught up in risky situations because of your lack of judgment.
With a fair amount of hard work, and the meeting of the Prosperity Star and the Heavenly Star, expect your hard work to be recognized humanly and financially, especially if your profession is linked to authority. Couples wishing for a child should not sleep in this area during this month. Emotional upheaval and loneliness could also be present, if you spend too much time here.
This star combination brings good financial news and also dating opportunities for single men, avoid alcohol abuse. However, be aware of the risk of fire in this area of the house.
The Multiplicative Star amplifies the harmful Qi already present in this area. Problems at work arise and those who have their own business will find it difficult. Health problems are increasing and children should avoid sleeping in this area. On a more positive note, ladies, you will be particularly attractive this month, take advantage of it, but if you are married, be careful as this could cause your husband to walk away! Place decorative Metal objects in this area to appease unfavorable energies.
Low blows, quarrels, deceptions, on edge emotions,… these are the ingredients that makes up this month’s menu. The best remedy is to avoid this area as much as possible if you can, as some health problems, mainly affecting the mouth, throat and lungs, could spice up this already indigestible menu.
三煞 Monthly Three Killings in the West.
© Texts from L’Agenda & Almanach Feng Shui 2020.
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