You want to boost your potential in studies, or learning? You are currently studying, or you are already working but need to learn something new? This date, calculated by Dato Joey Yap, is for you: Monday 26 June at 7:30pm (or between 7 pm and 9 pm wherever you are) sit with your back to Southeast (you look to Northwest) and you start to study, learn or read… There is nothing more to do. It’s fantastically simple, no? You can use the Southeast sector of your home. This area is for 2017, one of the best areas to use! You can’t do this activation if you have a Tiger (寅) in your BaZi.
Dear master,
Can I know what will be the next activation date after June 2017 for academic success?
Dear Chanel,
we don’t have calculated other dates for now during the summer time. Please visit our website regularly to find out the next activations.
Best regards 🙂