Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter), Wu Wang (Five Yellow), Sui Po (Year Breaker), San Sha (3 Killings)
The afflicted areas during the year 2022 of the Water Tiger Ren Yin 壬寅
Tai Sui 太歲 Grand Duke Jupiter in Northeast 3
Do not disturb the Grand Duke Jupiter which resides in the Northeast 3 this year, at the risk of activating the negative energy of this star which causes bad luck, loss, illness and misfortune. So do not dig, cut or renovate in this sector. At work, make sure that this area is not occupied by your office, meeting or conference room… If it is possible for you, change your directions you are facing at work. Look at Southwest 3 instead of looking at Northeast 3. Positioning yourself this way will make you have the support of the Tai Sui behind you, which will help you to close deals etc. If you like taoist cures, appease this affliction with the Tai Sui Plaque or a Pi Yao placed in the Northeast 3 sector. It is particularly recommended for people born in Tiger, Snake, Monkey, Pig and Ox years to carry the Tai Sui Amulet for protection.
Wu Wang 五黃 Five Yellow in the Center
The Center is the worst sector of the year as the 5 Yellow star resides here, bringing bad luck to the family. Keep this area as quiet as possible and place Metal here to control this affliction. You can also opt for a bell or a copper brass or iron bowl, to submit this negative energy. Postpone any renovation of this sector to next year.
Sui Po 歲破 Year Breaker in the Southwest 3
Do not disturb the Sui Po in the Southwest 3 sector this year at the risk of extremely aggravating the bad luck brought by the Grand Duke. So avoid at all costs to renovate, to dig in that area or to activate it inadvertently with noise or light. Disrupting this sector too much could lead to serious consequences that may be much worse than those made by the Tai Sui!
San Sha 三煞 Three Killings in the North
Do not disturb the Three Killings occupying the North sector this year. So avoid any disruptive activity in this area (particularly renovations or soil digging) or you’ll run the risk of attracting serious problems both for the home, but also for its occupants: violence, accidents, diseases, prosecution and thefts may result in serious financial and reputation losses, and other health complications. It is mainly the Pig, Rat and Ox born people who will feel the effects of the San Sha more. Keep this area as quiet as possible and know that the Taoist masters advise the use of the Three Celestial Guardians to overturn the effects brought by this affliction.
Some more tips…
- To avoid any mishaps that could result from activation of the sectors where the Grand Duke, the Three Killings or Sui Po reside, it is better not to renovate or dig in these areas. If you can not do otherwise, you should choose the right time to do so to reduce or offset the impact of these afflictions. Contact us to ask for the services of a professional date selection consultant from the Infinity Feng Shui team who can provide you with more personalized calculations or base your selection out for the informations described Marc-Olivier’s “L’Agenda & Almanach Feng Shui 2022“.
- You can also use the special template set developed by Marc-Olivier Rinchart (in french/chinese) to help you correctly mark out the different sectors on your floorplan. You can buy it online by CLICKING HERE.
- For more information about the yearly afflictions, watch the replay of our yearly conference l’Actu Feng Shui® 2022 ! CLICK HERE.